ADHD - "Hyperactivity"

Type: Psycho-emotional


pancreas - pancreas tail

lumbar - thoracic

occipital - lumbar 5

thalamus - thalamus

parietal - kidney (ss)

hypophysis - thalamus

front-parietal - temporal

biceps - biceps



Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is diagnosed mainly in children who present the following symptoms:

  • Restlessness or continuous movement (hyperkinesia)
  • Wandering, sometimes with clumsy movements
  • Talking too much Inattentiveness
  • Lack of concentration

Hyperactivity is sometimes difficult to diagnose because it can be associated with psychological problems such as an anxiety disorder, physiological disorders such as a thyroid gland dysfunction or problems in the inner ear; or simply be part of the child's temperament. This can cause adjustment problems at school. Many of these symptoms disappear as the child matures.

Posible causes:

In several patients, pairs have been found that affect the brain, such as some virus or bacteria. By means of bioenergetics it has been discovered that diet predisposes or is the cause of this disorder, in particular bismuth poisoning, sugar, white beans or cow's milk abuse. Hyperactivity may also be related to sleep disorders.

The practice of martial arts, yoga and meditation can also be very useful as well as the support of psychological or systemic therapy (often the family is also an important factor).

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