Pseudomona aeruginosa

Type: Bacterium


rectum - rectum

pleura - pleura

adrenal - lung

cervical 4- cervical 4

ear- temporary

lumbosacral plexus - lumbosacral plexus



It is believed to originate Metastasis. Green pus, hospital infection especially if probes are placed. When it occurs in the rib cage it causes pulmonary problems

Associated with Clamydia can cause uterine cervical cancer.

Pseudomonas are gram-negative bacteria, they are diversified into several species, all potentially pathogenic for humans. They are found everywhere: soil, water, plants and animals. It is found in a percentage of the feces of the human population that goes from 2 to 8% without causing pathology. So it only attacks in special situations such as: burns, cancer patients, patients with cystic fibrosis affecting the respiratory tract or those patients who have devices such as catheters, heart valves, intrauterine devices to which it adheres forming a biofilm.
Pseudomonas produce various exotoxins, hydrolytic enzymes that damage connective tissues, as well as mechanisms that depress the immune system (probable mechanism responsible for metastasis). It is highly resistant to antibiotics. It is an organism highly adaptable to changes in the environment; it also adapts when it detects a high number of other pseudomonas "quorum sensors". It can form colonies by complex biofilms.


Infection in hospitals due to the use of devices such as catheters, valves, intrauterine device, etc.

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