Chlamydia Trachomatis
duodenum - liver
duodenum - kidney (L)
eye - pylorus
Greater trochanter - Greater trochanter same side
urethra - urethra
Hepatitis D, It produces urogenital infections, Lymphogranuloma venereum (small painless ulcer on the genitals, swelling and redness). In women it can produce Infertility, vaginitis, tubal abscess (pus in the tube). In Man: testicular pain, urethritis, prostatitis. Anorexy and abdominal distension, hepatitis, jaundice (yellow skin) may also occur. It can promote arteriosclerosis and reactive arthritis.
It can also cause false diabetes and eye problems such as fleshy eye, retinal detachment or blindness.
The contagion occurs through sexual contact, either vaginally, anally or orally. It can be transmitted from the mother to the baby at the time of birth, generating ocular infection and neonatal pneumonia.