Language disorders

Type: Special


quadriceps - quadriceps

head of pancreas - bladder

occipital - ray bulb

occipital - temporal

frontal sinus (L) - kidney (L)

polo - calcaneus

polo - polo

biceps - biceps



Test this pair in language disorders such as:

  • Dyslexia
  • phonological phonation or pronunciation of words or phrases.
  • syntactic construction of sentences
  • semantics compression of meanings

In children the most common disorders may be stuttering or dysplasia, dyslexia, mixed receptive-expressive disorder, dysphagia, dyslexia, aphasia. The detection and timely correction of these disorders allow minors to better develop in the academic, socialization, expression areas, among others.


When they occur spontaneously in adulthood may be due to brain disorders caused by a traumatism (blows) or Brain stroke.

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