Intellectual disability

Type: Disfunction

parietal - parietal



Intellectual disability is a condition in which mental faculties, and therefore intellectual performance is below average, which leads to a lack of necessary life skills such as coordination, motor, communication, social interaction, ability to solve problems or adaptation to the environment. Intellectual disability can be diagnosed from birth or childhood.


There are many factors that can cause intellectual disability, and in some cases the causes cannot be determined.

  • Infections (in pregnancy, birth and in the first months of life) see   ToRCH
  • Metabolic as excess bilirubin in babies.
  • Nutritional (in pregnancy or childhood)
  • Toxic (during pregnancy such as alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, other drugs)
  • Injuries (before birth)
  • Genetic abnormalities such as ( Down syndrome) among other disorders, so it is advisable to review all chromosomes.
  • Environmental (chemical, energetic agents, etc.)
  • Unknown

Medical bioenergetics can detect many of these disorders and provide a treatment, which can be beneficial, if done in the early stages of pregnancy.


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