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The Testing Protocols that we present in this section are a great tool since they contain sequences of points that you can track according to the condition of the patient and the type of session that you carry out, either of basic level or with Bioenergetics.

We also present a series of additional resources such as the pendulum tables of Dr. Fuduric or the Emotion code chart developed by Dr. Bradley



  • Basic* It is the most suitable for those who just begin to practice biomagnetism, it can be done by tracking each point by a magnet (does not include emotional pairs).
  • Complete It is a sequence of more than 300 points and a thousand pairs that have been discovered by Dr. Goiz and other biomagnetists in different countries. It includes all kinds of pairs.
  • Advanced This protocol is not carried out with magnets; instead, it requires bioenergetics; It allows to detect problems such as: abnormal formations, tissue disorders, circulatory disorders, reaction to substances, psycho-emotional disorders, balance of chakras and genetic problems.

Additional resources

The printed material presented below will be of great help in various treatment protocols. Additional resources are not an integral part of the system developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz DurĂ¡n, however they have been very useful for many biomagnetists.

Printed materials:

Printed lists may be more convenient for some people to use, or they may also provide a better response when the session is conducted with bioenergetics.

The protocols we present and other resources are available to biomagnetists and the use is at their own discretion and responsibility.

* Based on the basic points described by Dr. Goiz in "The Biomagnetic Pair" p.p. 51-54, Mexico 1995.

** To download these materials an internet connection is required and you can only download each one per user. The system will ask for your username and password.

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