Covid vaccines

Type: Special


Let's first look at the most common symptoms that can occur after receiving any of the vaccines:
- pain, swelling and redness where the vaccine was given (arm)
- fever
- fatigue, tiredness - headache
- chills
- myalgia (muscle pain) - arthralgia (joint pain) - Numbness of upper and/or lower extremities (ie: arms and legs)
- flu-like syndrome (like starting to catch a cold)
- gastrointestinal disorders such as abdominal pain or diarrhea (in the least cases)


In half of the cases there are no symptoms, while in others symptoms may be very mild or of moderate intensity and resolve up to 48 hours after vaccination. In a lower percentage, the symptoms can be severe, that is, they make it impossible for the person to continue with their daily activities.
It is not necessary to apply the pairs in all vaccinated people, only in those who present some of the symptoms described, or who suspect in advance that the vaccine may cause reactions due to previous conditions such as allergic reactions, circulatory problems, diabetes, immunosuppression , among others. Below are several lists of pairs that can be tested for the most frequently given vaccines.

Astra- Zeneca

humerus - pineal

Willis´ polygone - postpineal

fore-horn - fore-horn


Biomagnetism is not a substitute for medical treatment, so if discomfort persists for more than 48 hours, see your doctor.

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