
Type: Virus


stomach- adrenal


Place a (+) magnet on each adrenal.


In children the infection cedes in a few days. Common symptoms are skin disorders: It can appear as flat and discolored areas (macules) or solid, red and raised areas (papules). Other symptoms include fever, red eyes, pruritus, abdominal pain, sensitivity to light, sore throat, cough, runny nose. It can be complicated causing pneumonia, encephalitis, otitis, bronchitis.
In the adult it manifests with chronic disorders such as: bleeding from the upper digestive tract and can give gastric ulcers, gastritis, arthritis, conjunctivitis, panic attacks. Causes Atopic dermatitis. (acne, pimples, pimples)


It is highly contagious, with a 90% chance of contracting it from being exposed to an infected person. The vaccine could increase the chance of having autism.

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