Proteus Mirabillis

Type: Bacterium


mediastinum -mediastinum

sacrum - sacrum

renal capsule - renal capsulel

back hand - back hand

fibula - fibula

mediastinum - mesocardium

lateral chest - lateral chest



It produces systemic lupus erythematosus. Renal insufficiency. Pigmentation on the face in the form of a butterfly present in Ingrid's syndrome and associated with the Chickenpox virus and the parasite Blastocistis Hominis.

When it is located in the Sacrum it produces: irritation Urinary tract infection and degeneration of the horse's tail (10th dorsal down), Infertility, muscular problems in movements and joints of the lower limbs, Pains or paraesthesia. Inflammation of sexual organs, Renal insufficiency.

When it is located in Mediastinum it gives Mediastinitis with laryngeal, pulmonary, bronchial and cardiac symptoms. Also develops Fake HIV-Sida when combined with another Virus. For it traps the thymus both energetically and functionally. Intolerance to lactose. In children, check pair coccyx-coccyx.

Anaerobic bacteria that normally live in the intestines, when out of control can cause several infections, often in the urinary tract. Proteus Mirabilis causes 90% of proteus infection.
This bacterium of rounded colonies has the ability to produce high levels of urease. Urease hydrolyzes urea to ammonia, (NH3) and that makes the urine more alkaline. And when the alkalinity rises it can lead the formation of struvite crystals, calcium carbonate, and / or apatite. This bacteria can be found in stones, and those bacteria hidden there, can restart an infection after antibiotic treatments.


Some women or babies can be infected by having a very short urethra, causing cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) can also be transmitted by sexual contact.

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