Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Type: Bacterium


shoulder blade spine- shoulder blade spine

pectoral - pectoral

pectoral - lung

achilles lower - achilles low.

temporoccipital - temporoccipital

urethra - ureter



Respiratory symptoms: persistent cough, nasal congestion, treacherous bronchitis, pneumonia, odynophagia, dyspnea, fever, malaise.

Also known as Eaton Agent, by the researcher who discovered it. It is a pathogen that exclusively infects humans, specialized in adhering to the walls of the respiratory system. The infection manifests as tracheobronchitis and pneumonia accompanied by low-grade fever, malaise, headache.
Because of its structure and genetics, it is more similar to a mitochondrion than to a bacterium since it lacks many metabolic processes and is therefore an obligate parasite; therefore, at first, the researchers confused this agent with a virus.


By small drops in saliva, by close contact with the patient. More common in children and young people of school age.

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