subclavian - subclavian
kidney - kidney
affected zone - kidney
Types of edema:
Edema is an area of the body where an abnormal amount of fluid is retained. Within this category we mention some:
- pulmonary edema.- can cause suffocation and death. The causes can be: heart disease, pneumonia, sepsis, drugs, toxins, too high above sea level, allergies, trauma * ...
- cerebral edema.- by infection or trauma. It can also permanently affect brain functions or even cause death.
- peripheral edema .- occur in the extremities, most often in the legs, associated with poor circulation and remain long standing. It can be complemented with the cold legs pair.
- macular edema.- occurs in the eye
- angioedema.- occurs in the skin, can be an allergic reaction.
Generalized edema
The retention of liquid can also occur in a generalized manner, in which case it can be due to multiple causes such as:
- kidney disorders
- heart failure
- liver problems (cirrhosis)
- Lymphoedema: lymphatic system dysfunction
- metabolic disorders (diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, etc.)
- consume too much salt
- for malnutrition
- effect of some medicaments or drugs
- pregnancy
- burns
If there is renal dysfunction, it can be treated with the kidney - kidney with both polarities in each magnet and look for the causative agents.
It can also be due to a dysfunction of the lymphatic system, responsible for draining the interstitial fluids, in this case testing the subclavian - subclavian pair. Review diet, exercise habits, hormonal balance, ion balance, and so on.
* Traumatism or trauma is understood as being struck (bruises), cuts, burns, surgeries or any other damage to a tissue or organ.