Cryptococcus neoformans

Type: Fungi


prepineal - bladder

prepineal - prepineal

ray bulb - descending colon

preauricular - bladder



It infects the central nervous system, causing Seizure disorder, headache, encephalitis,edema. It can be deadly if it attacks immunodeficient.

Check pair tongue - tongue.

Cryptococcosis is an acute systemic mycosis that begins with mild and moderate respiratory manifestations. Causes problems for immunosuppressed people: AIDS patients, Hodking, Leukemia, Diabetes, etc.

Since it is a systemic disease, it can cause skin disorders, in the respiratory tract (pulmonary cryptococcosis and atypical acute pneumonia), in the nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis) and damage the liver and kidneys. Cryptococcus grows rapidly under gamma radiation.


By animal excrement (pigeons) by respiratory tract.

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